
Brad on the issues

Brad is a Christian and lifelong conservative Republican. As your State Senator, he will fight for our conservative values each and every day. 

Pro Life

Brad is Pro-Life. He believes that all people are created in God’s image. As such, he affirms the sanctity of human life, and will fight for the born and unborn. He will take all possible steps to stop the unconscionable taking of life through abortion.

2nd Amendment

Brad believes that without the 2nd amendment it is impossible to guarantee the freedom of this nation. He is a tireless advocate for your right to keep and bear arms.


Education works best when parents have the primary say in it. He is a strong supporter for public schools that provide a sound education. He also supports school choice initiatives to further provide parents with options, and he insists that our schools be free from indoctrination.

Law Enforcement

Simply put, Brad backs the Blue. It's time that elected officials stand behind our officers who put their lives on the line to protect us.


Brad supports the hard working men and women of North Carolina. He will cut taxes and regulations, and enact pro-growth policies to get the government out of the way so the private sector can thrive and create jobs and grow the economy.

Election Integrity

Without secure elections, our republic cannot survive. Brad will fight to ensure that our elections are secure.

memorial day, vent, memorial-1798725.jpg

Our veterans have served with honor. Brad will work to ensure that North Carolina is a state that takes care of those that have fought for our nation.